Monday, August 28, 2023

Neo-classical Age

This blog is a response to a task assigned by Vaidehi Ma'am. (Department of English MKBU) This blog contains three questions and answer and in the end one ppt is uploaded thay is about the life and the works of Oliver Goldsmith.

Q:1 Comparison of General Characteristics of Elizabethan age and Neo-classical age.

The Elizabethan Age, named after Queen Elizabeth I of England, spanned from roughly 1558 to 1603. Here are the characteristics of the Elizabethan Age.

(Queen Elizabeth I)

1. Literary Flourishing: 

The Elizabethan era is mostly known for its creative period of writing. Many major writers wrote their best works during this period of time, for example, William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe, and Edmund Spenser.

2. Exploration and Expansion: 

Britain started making colonies all around the world, so new knowledge and literature were produced during that period of time.

3. Renaissance Influence: 

The Renaissance spirit also affected Britain, so writers were also affected by that, and it flourished in art, creativity, and curiosity.

4. Religious Changes: 

With the establishment of the Church of England, Queen Elizabeth became the supreme governor.

5. Social Hierarchy:

There were three class divisions during that period of time: nobility, gentry, and commoners. These classes determine their place in society.

6. Theatre and Entertainment:

The opening of the Globe theatre and major playwrights like Shakespeare made this era of theatre and entertainment. People appreciated theatre a lot during this period of time.

7. Fashion and Clothing:

Clothing during Elizabethan age

Fashion was a symbol of status and wealth. Both men and women wore elaborate clothing, with ruffs, doublets, and intricate fabrics being common.

8. Development in Architecture: 

Architectural styles of the era can be seen in structures like Hampton Court Palace, which blended Gothic and Renaissance elements.

9. Innovation and Science: 

The era witnessed advancements in various fields, including navigation, cartography, and the beginnings of modern science.

10. Political Intrigue: 

The Elizabethan Age was marked by political intrigue and tensions, including challenges to Elizabeth I's rule and international conflicts like the Anglo-Spanish War.

The Neoclassical Era, often referred to as the Enlightenment or the Age of Reason, spanned roughly from the late 17th century to the late 18th century. This period was marked by a revival of interest in classical art, literature, and philosophy and a focus on reason, logic, and scientific inquiry. Here are the characteristics of Neo-classical era.

1. Reason and Rationality: 

The Neoclassical era emphasised logic and reason. Literary works are also written on the basis of reason and logic.

2. Essence of classicism: 

There was imitation in literary writing. Writers were mostly influenced by Greek and Roman styles of writing. In other arts and architecture, the same influence can be noticed.

3. Predominance of Prose: 

Neo-classical era, also known as the Era of Prose. In this era, most works were written on reason and reality, so one can find that prose writing dominates poetry.

4. Political Writing: 

Literary works were written on topics related to politics and contemporary situations in society. Pamphlets were also published at that time.

5. Clubs and coffee houses: 

The culture of going to clubs and coffee houses started during this period of time. Political periodicals and pamphlets were also distributed in the coffee houses.

6. Periodical writing: 

Periodicals and magazines also made their place during this period, and people liked that a lot. With newspapers, people also started reading periodicals and magazines.

7. The new morality: 

people's beliefs and ethical values changed. The writers established new morality in their writings.

8. Novel: 

The new form of writing is established as a novel. It was new during that time, so it is called a novel.

9. Prosaic poetry 

Prosaic Poetry is a style of writing that includes both prose and poetry. It is different from the traditional way of writing; it does not have rhyming words. This style is more natural.

10. New Publishing Houses: 

During the late 18th century, new publishing houses came into existence that gave speed to more writing styles and works published quickly.

In both eras, certain changes occurred that affected the age and made the era more productive at that time.

Q:2. Who is your favourite writer and your favourite text from the Neoclassical Age? How is he/she different from the writers of Elizabethan Age and Romantic Age?

Ans. My favourite writer is Oliver Goldsmith, and my favourite text from the Neoclassical age is the novel 'Vicar of the Wakefield' by Oliver Goldsmith.

In Oliver Goldsmith's writing, I found the essence of realism that gave me nostalgic feelings. He has a different writing style that differs from all other writers. He also plays a vital role as a transitional poet. His poetry also has that rural, pleasant scent.

Other major works like 'Good natur'd Man', 'She Stoops to Conquer, and 'Deserted Village' showcase his skill in writing plays and poems. In his novels, we find good characters and plots.

Q:3. Describe any one thing about this age which you look upto. 

The name of the age suggests Augustan age. It is a creative period like Augustus Caesar's time. So one thing I like about this age is that writers started experiencing new things with the traditional way of writing. That's why it is called the Neo-classical Age. Neo means new, and classical means traditional. So it has the collaboration of writing new and old ways together. Before the romantic era, this era provided the basis for new ideas to think and write differently, unlike traditional ways of writing.

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