Sunday, December 31, 2023

Presentations Sem-1

The Department of English organises presentations every semester, in which we, students of the English department, prepare ppts related to the subjects in the syllabus and present that in front of the other students. It goes live on youtube and later we upload our presentation videos on our YouTube channel individually. In this blog there are details of the presentations, youtube videos and ppts.

Presentation- 1

In the first presentation I compared two characters, Willmore from the play ‘The Rover’ and ‘Ricky Bahl’ from the movie ‘Ladies vs. Ricky Bahl’. These two personalities have some similarities regarding their behaviour towards other women characters. They both used their charm to cheat women for their personal benefits.

Presentation - 2

In the second presentation I described the influence of the novel ‘Pamela’ by Samuel Richardson in shaping the moral norms of contemporary society. Some of the writers also admitted that they write literature to make people more virtuous so I tried to cover how ‘Pamela’ novel influenced 18th century social norms.

Presentation - 3

In the third presentation I compared two works, the novel ‘Hard Times’ by Charles Dickens and the ‘Modern Times’ movie by Charlie Chaplin. There is a similar theme in both the work Industrialization and its effects on common people's lives.

Presentation - 4

Fourth presentation I have given upon the influence of Greek mythology in John Keats's poetry. In the presentation, I have described how Keats was interested in Greek Mythology from his childhood and In his poems like ‘Endymion’, ‘Ode to the Grecian Urn’, and ‘Ode to Psyche’ there are influences of Greek mythology.

Presentation - 5

In the fifth presentation which was about the history paper I compared Elizabethan and Restoration drama. In this presentation I described how the setting, language, themes, style, costumes, dialogues, standards, types of plays are different in each age and the reason behind that changes.

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