Sunday, January 7, 2024

The Great Dictator

This blog is a response to a task assigned by Dilip Barad sir, Department of English (MKBU). This blog is about the movie 'The Great Dictator'. Click here for more information.

'The Great Dictator' is a movie, released on October 15, 1940.  It was an American anti-war political satire black comedy film written, directed, produced, and starring British comedian Charlie Chaplin. In this movie Chaplin satirizes the dictators of his contemporary time, Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini. In the movie Chaplin plays both leading roles: a ruthless fascist dictator and a persecuted Jewish barber.

The movie became very popular among the audience and also became Chaplin's highest grossing film commercially. Modern critics praised the movie, the film is considered as a best example of satirical work. When movie was released, the dark side of the Hitler was not seen by the common people, but somehow Chaplin saw the reality behind the curtain, and tried to show it through the cinema. 

Let us discuss some of the frames in the movie and try to understand the concept behind the scenes.

In this scene, Chaplin imitates the Hitler's ways of delivering the speeches. In this scene he also tried to show that how he controls the audience through his hand gestures. In the background in the street, the speech is going on throughout the movie. During those days they used to distribute free radios to common people so they can easily spread their propaganda.

In two frames above there is a clear image that Chaplin wants to show that how politicians and public figures are too much camera conscious. There was a fake smile on his face and then as soon as the photo was clicked the behaviors is changed. In the movie he cleans his hands after carrying a baby in his hands. This shows the fakeness of these type of propaganda. In the same way we find our contemporary politicians clicks photos in such ways to show their fake innocence to the people.

Throughout the movie whoever meets Hynkel, one would speak "Hail Hynkle" and raise one's hand like the statue in the above picture is shown. It shows the that how these type of people want to make people slaves. This statue satirizes that even the statue has to respect the dictator. And if you want to think, do the hand gesture first. There is also a cross symbols which represent the symbol of Nazi party.

This pictures show how the Jews were being treated by the soldiers.  Jews have to live out of the society which is called 'Ghetto', where these type of soldiers would come and do whatever they want. In above images taking fruits and vegetables from the shop forcefully, and when a woman protests against them, they throw tomatoes on her. We find similar type of situation in Indian context as well that how people have to face such consequences, people are considered as 'untouchables' and have to leave outside the society.

Soldiers write 'Jew' on the shop of people belong to that community, when a barber, the protagonist tries to erase it a soldier beats him brutally. This show the discrimination between different community and different behavior towards them. In contemporary society one can observe that how politicians used discrimination of caste, creed and religion to gain the vote. This fake propaganda still goes on in the 21st century as well and common people suffer through it. 

Dictators and few politicians do not treat others in a right way, they believe that they are the slaves and they use them as a tool. As one can observe in the above frame that for gluing the letter he does not use his own tongue, he takes help of the soldiers. This also showcase the mentality of such dictators.

In above picture on can observe that painter and sculptor are making a portrait of Hynkle, but he does not have to time for that so these artist have to sit there waiting for him to come then he remains there for some time and then he would leave and again they have to wait. This shows the disrespect for art. This shows that when one gain enough power, one would stop thinking about the others, not even the artist.

This is a time in the movie, when soldiers come to arrest the barber to his home and he and the female protagonist hide in the room and then camera focuses on to the cage where two birds are there in the cage. These show that when this type of dictator would gain the power, people would have to leave in the cages.

A comic scene at the railway station when Napaloni arrives, and others were preparing for it. When camera men come, they tried to look more confident and they wear fake smiles on their faces. In the camera they seem very friendly but after that they tried to look bigger and better then each other like the children. And just to satisfy their ego they could kill thousands of soldiers in the battle. This show the reality of these type of the people.

This is the last scene of the movie, when the "great" Hynkle is exchanged with the Jew barber and barber delivers a speech. In the speech Chaplin tries to give his message directly to the society about equality, peace and freedom. This speech is the essence of the whole movie and after this movie this speech has become very famous.

Literary writers have the x-ray vision that they can see what is happening behind the curtain. Chaplin was one of them and he wonderfully shows the power of the true artist, who can show real path to the society. Even after his death his message remains alive in his literature which shows the reality to the people.

Words: 970
Images: 15

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