Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Quality by John Galsworthy

'Quality' is a short story written by John Galsworthy that delves into the life of a dedicated shoemaker and his struggle to maintain his craftsmanship in a rapidly industrializing world. Galsworthy, a renowned British writer, used this story to highlight the importance of quality and dedication to one's craft, themes that resonate deeply with readers.

Writer's Information

John Galsworthy (1867-1933) was a prominent English novelist and playwright, best known for his series of novels collectively called "The Forsyte Saga." He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1932 for his distinguished art of narration which takes its highest form in "The Forsyte Saga." Galsworthy's works often reflect his concern with social issues and his desire to depict the life and struggles of the common man.

Plot Summary

The story is narrated by a customer of the Gessler brothers, who are skilled shoemakers. The Gessler brothers, particularly the elder, are passionate about their craft, producing shoes of the highest quality. However, they struggle to compete with larger, industrialized manufacturers who can produce shoes more quickly and cheaply. Over the years, the narrator observes the decline of the Gessler brothers' business despite their unwavering commitment to quality. The story ends on a poignant note, highlighting the cost of maintaining high standards in a world driven by profit and mass production.


1. Narrator: The unnamed narrator serves as a loyal customer and admirer of the Gessler brothers. Through his eyes, we see the dedication and struggle of the shoemakers.

2. Mr. Gessler (Elder Brother): The elder Gessler is the embodiment of dedication and craftsmanship. His entire life is devoted to making high-quality shoes, and he takes great pride in his work.

3. Mr. Gessler (Younger Brother): Although less prominently featured, the younger Gessler shares his brother's passion for shoemaking. He too is deeply committed to the craft.


1. Dedication to Craftsmanship: The primary theme of "Quality" is the dedication to one's craft. The Gessler brothers represent artisans who take immense pride in their work, focusing on the quality of their products rather than profit.

2. Struggle Against Industrialization: The story contrasts the high-quality, hand-made shoes of the Gessler brothers with the mass-produced shoes of larger manufacturers. It highlights the challenges faced by small artisans in an industrialized economy.

3. Integrity and Pride: The Gessler brothers maintain their integrity and pride in their work despite the financial difficulties they face. Their commitment to quality remains unwavering until the end.

4. The Cost of Quality: The story also explores the personal and financial costs of maintaining high standards. The Gessler brothers' refusal to compromise on quality leads to their eventual downfall, highlighting the sacrifices made by true craftsmen.

Title Significance

The title "Quality" is significant because it encapsulates the essence of the Gessler brothers' lives and work. It reflects their commitment to producing shoes of the highest quality, a standard they refuse to compromise even in the face of financial hardship. The title also serves as a critique of a society that values quantity and profit over quality and craftsmanship.


John Galsworthy wrote "Quality" during a time when industrialization was rapidly changing the economic landscape. The rise of factories and mass production threatened the livelihood of skilled artisans who could not compete with the lower prices and faster production times of larger manufacturers. Galsworthy, who was known for his social conscience, used the story to shed light on the struggles of small craftsmen and the value of maintaining high standards.

Moral of the Story

The moral of "Quality" is a poignant reminder of the importance of dedication, integrity, and the pursuit of excellence. It encourages readers to appreciate the true value of craftsmanship and to recognize the sacrifices made by those who refuse to compromise on quality. The story also serves as a critique of a society that prioritizes profit over the well-being and artistry of individuals.

Narrative Technique

Galsworthy employs a first-person narrative technique, allowing the story to be told from the perspective of a loyal customer. This approach creates a sense of intimacy and respect for the Gessler brothers, as the narrator provides a personal account of their dedication and struggles. The use of detailed descriptions and a reflective tone enhances the emotional impact of the story, making the reader more invested in the fate of the characters.


Craftsmanship vs. Commercialization

One of the central conflicts in "Quality" is the clash between craftsmanship and commercialization. The Gessler brothers symbolize the old world of artisans who took immense pride in their work. Every shoe they made was a testament to their skills and dedication. In contrast, the industrial manufacturers represent the new world, where the primary focus is on speed, efficiency, and profit. This theme is particularly relevant today, as we continue to grapple with the tension between handmade and mass-produced goods.

The Gessler Brothers' Dedication

The elder Gessler's dedication is depicted in several poignant scenes. For instance, when the narrator returns to the shop after many years, he finds the elder Gessler still immersed in his work, despite the obvious signs of struggle. This dedication is further emphasized when the elder Gessler explains the meticulous process of making a single pair of shoes. His hands-on approach, the careful selection of materials, and the attention to detail are all indicative of a craftsman who lives and breathes his trade.

The Impact of Industrialization

The impact of industrialization on the Gessler brothers' business is a slow and painful decline. Despite the superior quality of their shoes, they are unable to compete with the lower prices and faster production times of factory-made shoes. This struggle is evident in the narrator’s observations over the years. The brothers’ shop, once bustling with activity, becomes quieter and emptier. The story poignantly captures the inevitable decline of traditional craftsmanship in the face of industrial progress.

The Personal Cost of Maintaining Quality

Galsworthy also explores the personal cost of maintaining high standards. The Gessler brothers' refusal to compromise on quality leads to their financial ruin. They lose customers who are drawn to cheaper, mass-produced shoes. The elder Gessler’s physical appearance deteriorates over time, a reflection of the toll that constant work and financial stress take on his health. The younger Gessler’s death and the elder brother’s subsequent solitary struggle highlight the sacrifices made by true craftsmen in a world that values profit over quality.

Integrity and Pride

Despite their hardships, the Gessler brothers never lose their integrity or pride in their work. This unwavering commitment is both their greatest strength and their tragic flaw. They embody the ideal of the artisan who values the quality of his work above all else. This integrity is ultimately what makes their story so moving. The narrator's admiration and respect for the brothers underscore the theme of the nobility of true craftsmanship.

The Role of the Narrator

The narrator plays a crucial role in "Quality." His admiration for the Gessler brothers and his detailed observations provide a window into their world. The first-person perspective allows readers to connect with the story on a personal level. The narrator’s reflections on his interactions with the Gesslers highlight the contrast between the world of craftsmanship and the world of mass production. His loyalty as a customer and his sorrow at their decline make the story’s themes more poignant.

The Ending

The ending of "Quality" is deeply moving and reflective. The narrator returns to find the elder Gessler alone, still dedicated to his craft despite the obvious signs of struggle. When the narrator learns of the younger Gessler’s death and sees the elder Gessler's deteriorating condition, it is a heartbreaking moment. The final revelation that the elder Gessler has also passed away, leaving behind a legacy of unmatched craftsmanship, is a poignant commentary on the cost of maintaining high standards in a world that does not always value them.

"Quality" by John Galsworthy is a timeless story that continues to resonate with readers due to its exploration of themes such as dedication to craftsmanship, the impact of industrialization, and the personal cost of maintaining high standards. Through the Gessler brothers, Galsworthy portrays the nobility of true artisanship and the tragic consequences of a world increasingly driven by profit and mass production. The story’s first-person narrative, reflective tone, and detailed descriptions create a powerful and emotional reading experience. As we continue to navigate a world where the balance between quality and quantity is ever more tenuous, "Quality" serves as a poignant reminder of the value of dedication, integrity, and the pursuit of excellence.

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