Monday, July 8, 2024

What's in a name?

This blog is written as a response to a task assigned by Vaidehi ma'am, Department of English MKBU. In this blog the importance of name and meaning of my name are discussed. For further info click here.

What is your name? What is the meaning of it?


My name is Yashraj. It means King of fame or glory.

What qualities commonly linked with your name do you believe reflect your attributes?


With the Yashraj name following qualities are linked: ambition, leadership, charisma, confidence and respect. Confidence and respect are the attributes that I find reflecting in my name.

Why do you think the name is important?

The name is important to give different identities to people, to differentiate with others. For calling someone we require a name. Through name people can remember us for long time.

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